Holy Week Schedule

April 13 | Palm Sunday | 10:00 AM | Sanctuary
April 17 | Maunday Thursday | 7:00 PM | Sanctuary
April 20 | Easter Resurrection Sunday
  Sunrise Service | 7 AM | Courtyard
  Traditional Service | 10 AM | Sanctuary
  Kid’s* Easter Extravaganza | 10 AM | Great Hall
 *K-6th grade
  Toddler Easter Egg Hunt with parents after service

Worship Services

Mar 30 | Be Reconciled | 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
April 6 | Costly Annonting | John 12:1-8
April 13 | The First Passover (Palm Sunday) | Ex 12:11-14
April 17 | Maundy Thursday Service | 7 PM
April 20 (7 AM) Raised in Christ | 1 Corinthians 15:19-26
April 20 (10 AM) Easter Instructions Acts | 10:34-43

Kids! It’s Breakfast Time, Sunday!

Every Sunday at 9:30 AM
come and have a free breakfast before Sunday School
Please order your Easter Lily or Hydrangea by April 16th for inclusion in the Sunday bulletin

Sunday Coffee & Donuts

Stop by He-Brews Coffee and Donut Bar! Located
in the foyer adjacent to the Great Hall. Fellowship
before and after church. Bring a friend!
Meeting Jesus At The Table Lenten Study
When: Beginning March 5, 2025 | 6:00-7:00 pm e Where: Parlor on Wednesday’s during Lent.
How: A sign-up sheet is in the Narthex.
What you need: Books can be ordered through the Cokesbury Bookstore.
Book: Meeting Jesus At The Table
By: Cynthia M. Campbell and Christine Coy Fohr
Available: Cokesbury $12.99
Barnes & Noble: $17.00
Amaazon: Paperback—$9.70 Kindle: $9.21
Barnes & Noble: $17.00

Fellowship & Other Happenings


First Mondays | 11:30 AM | Parlor

Helping Hands

Second Tuesdays | 10:00 AM | Library
Men n Ministry
Fourth Saturdays | 8:00 AM | Denny’s

Men’s Bible Study – ZOOM Class 

Wednesdays | 6-7:30 PM
contact: Lee Roy Smith | 281-772-6096
Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Every Thursday | 7:00 PM | Choir Rooom

Narcotics Anonymous

Tuesdays 6:00 PM | Saturdays 7:00 PM