We Are The Church
We believe the church is not somewhere you go, it’s something you are. We know that God is moving through His church, and we want you to be a part of it. There are several ways you can get involved.

Growth: Invite a friend
We believe that advancing God’s Kingdom doesn’t come through new ways of doing church, but through the ancient way — faithful preaching and contextualizing the unchanging gospel within a changing culture. Spring Woods teaches faith in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, as the only way to eternal life.

Groups: Join a small group
We believe that becoming involved in a small group enriches and strengthens your connection to Jesus Christ and allows you to enjoy a sense of community while developing caring and meaningful relationships with those within the group.

Gifts: Join a team

Giving: Give online
We believe that we should support our church financially as giving is a tangible way we can connect, nurture, and serve others. Giving helps us pay our operating expenses, support local mission works and pay our apportionments to the Texas Annual Conference. By giving of our apportionments we support many programs locally, nationally and internationally.